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The Documentary The Last Out released with accesibility features


On October 3, the POV documentary The Last Out was released on PBS with accessibility features. Directed by Sami Khan and Michael Kassert, The Last Out, like many films of this POV season, is uniquely focused on a community. More specifically, it tackles the lives of a group of Cuban baseball players that seek to emigrate to the United States. 


This film, which premiered in 2021, won the Special Jury Award at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival, the Audience Award at the 2020 Hot Springs Documentary Festival, and the Grand Jury Prize at the 2020 Florida Film Festival. 



Produced by American Documentary, POV is American television's longest-running independent documentary screening. The award-winning anthology series features fourteen feature films this season with themes including environmental justice, systemic inequity, global perspectives on motherhood, and caregiving during multiple crises.


The audio description of the POV season 35 documentaries is available thanks to the work of Dicapta and is sponsored by the US Department of Education, under project H327C210001 "Improved Access to Video for Students with Sensory Impairments through emerging technology - EnhAccess."