Dicapta logo with the tagline - Accessible Communication Developers.

Using AI to Enhance Cultural Competencies for IEP Teams

Over the past months, Dicapta launched Phase 1 of a new initiative, INTEGRA, funded by a grant from the Department of Health. This innovative project is set to transform the cultural competencies of IEP teams for Latino English Learners with Disabilities (LELWDs) through cutting-edge technology and collaborative educational practices. INTEGRA was launched with the goal to identify the points of opportunity to improve resources available for all members of IEP teams for English Learners with Disabilities. One of the main pain points that we have noticed over the years is the difficulties caregivers, teachers and faculties face when communicating due to barriers beyond just language. 

A young student wearing headphones is seated at a desk, engaged with an interactive educational platform on a laptop. The screen shows multimedia content, while other students in the background focus on their own tasks.Phase I: Generative Video Modeling

The first phase of INTEGRA is designed as a cloud-based, AI-powered platform that harnesses the potential of generative intelligent video modeling to support inclusive education. The platform focuses on fostering intercultural competences among IEP members including Latino English Learners with Disabilities, their caregivers, teachers, and classmates. The core of INTEGRA revolves around evidence-based video modeling and storytelling strategies tailored to the unique needs of each user. 

The platform exclusively offers short-form, engaging videos that are customized according to the identified areas to improve in cultural competences of each IEP member, to better serve the needs of their particular LELWD. As of today, we have secured over 35 participants including cultural competency experts, caregivers of LELWDs, caregivers of general education students, mainstream teachers and special education teachers. The developed student profiles represent four different Latin American countries and eight different disabilities; the different profiles have been used to develop different videos customized to fit the needs and backgrounds of each participant. 

The INTEGRA project is led by Dr. Maria Victoria Diaz, a seasoned researcher in accessibility and inclusion, alongside Dr. Conchita Hernandez, a recognized vocational rehabilitation counselor specializing in multicultural students with visual impairments. Their combined expertise guarantees a comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of LELWDs through innovative solutions.

What’s Next? 

The INTEGRA Phase I project will be wrapping up at the end of November. We will be providing a comprehensive report with the results of our feasibility and usability studies along with an overview of key findings on what each participant found most useful. For more information or to express your interest in participating in later phases of INTEGRA, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.