It is a pleasure to share with you our passion for providing access to information to everybody regardless of sensory abilities or limitations. Thanks to the resources received from the U.S. Department of Education for the project, “Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities,” we are providing high quality Spanish video descriptions and captions for some educational TV programming. Since this programming is suitable for use in the classroom, teachers who have Hispanic students who are blind, have low vision, are deaf, or are hard of hearing can use this content without worrying about accessibility issues.
Besides providing descriptions and captions, we are designing training programs for special education teachers and giving workshops to parents of children with sensory disabilities. We have a fantastic group of people and organizations supporting this effort and on this website, you can learn about them. In addition, we have information about the TV programs that we are making accessible and the workshops that we are conducting with parents and teachers.
Please sign up for our workshops, send us a message, and tell others about what we do.