Funded by OSEP- Television Access
Grant H327C150009
Captions and Video Description:
Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities
A boy wearing headphones shouts out using a megaphone

Detroit 48202: Conversations Along a Postal Route available with accessibility for viewers with sensory disabilities

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Now you can watch WUCF's magnificent Space Chase USA documentary with a variety of accessibility options

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Canal 22 Internacional Launches Clip Promoting Weekend Accessible Programming Slot

Since last year, Canal 22 Internacional offers a programming slot with accessibility on Saturdays and Sundays. To promote it, the station has launched a video clip showcasing the accessibility features in action.  Ricardo López, a fantastic member of our advisory group, who is deaf and works at the Model Secondary School for the Deaf at Gallaudet University, joined the effort by bringing ASL to the table. Now the video clip es accessible for all!

Canal 22 Internacional shows several programs with accessibility during the week, but the weekend slot is special because it offers open captions and open video description so all the community can learn what the accessibility features are.

Our applause to Canal 22 Internacional for its extraordinary commitment to accessibility!

Accessibility for this programming is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, under project H327C15009 “Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities”.