Funded by OSEP- Television Access
Grant H327C150009
Captions and Video Description:
Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities
A boy wearing headphones shouts out using a megaphone

Detroit 48202: Conversations Along a Postal Route available with accessibility for viewers with sensory disabilities

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Now you can watch WUCF's magnificent Space Chase USA documentary with a variety of accessibility options

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Wendell Watkins is at driver’s seat of his mail delivery car. On the right, above the image, there is a phone with the Access4All app open and a menu that says audio description, closed captions and subtitles in Spanish.

Detroit 48202: Conversations Along a Postal Route available with accessibility for viewers with sensory disabilities

On left, drawing of a space vehicle floating over Earth. The vehicle is shaped as a cone, and an astronaut is seating inside. On right, a phone with the Access4All app open. It shows a menu with the options ASL, Audiodescription and Closed Caption.

Now you can watch WUCF's magnificent Space Chase USA documentary with a variety of accessibility options

Workshop page. Menu on the left. To the right, the title Let's Describe, underneath a tool's menu and below that the title Description  Tutorial - Attempt 1 - Describe what you see. Cartoon image of a character seated touching a keyboard. His eyes are square and similar to computer screens.

Dicapta Describing Workshop for Parents and Teachers Now Available Online at the DCMP

On left, indoors, Robert -a white bald on his 50s with a wool hat- and Steven -a young slim black man- hug each other smiling. Both wear jackets. On right, a phone shows the image of an ASL interpreter making a sign.

Online Premier of Connecting the Dots - Accessibility available in Access4All

Vista del mar azul oscuro bajo un cielo azul claro. Grúas de un puerto en un costado. Sobre la imagen aparece la frase "Entre Cuba y México todo es bonito y sabroso"

Entre Cuba y México todo es bonito y sabroso accessible to all audiences

La Oveja Eléctrica and Reflejos Crónicas de la Ciudad broadcast with accessibility on Canal 22 Internacional