Funded by OSEP- Television Access
Grant H327C150009
Captions and Video Description:
Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities
A boy wearing headphones shouts out using a megaphone

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¡Sorpresa! Channel shows Telmo & Tula with Accessibility

The fun programs Telmo and Tula - Little Cooks and Telmo and Tula  - Arts & Crafts are now shown by the ¡Sorpresa! channel with captions and description in Spanish.

Telmo and Tula are a pair of siblings that have fun teaching the viewers how to cook and make arts and crafts.  They prepare delicious breakfasts and simple dishes such as sandwiches, salads and desserts. For sure any kid can follow their instructions and prepare similar dishes at home; starting with a fabulous chocolate cake!

They do arts & crafts with papier-mâché, play dough, clay, bottles, etc. and create beautiful ornaments and gifts for their friends.

A potbellied bold adult, with a big mustache, often assists Telmo and Tula with some tasks.  In the Arts & Crafts series, they also have the company of Paquito, a little gray hamster with big teeth and long whiskers. 


These TV series are made for children 4 years and older.  They are shown in the following schedule, eastern standard time:

Telmo and Tula - Little Cooks
Saturday: 3:00 pm
Sunday:  1:00 a.m. y 3:00 p.m.

Telmo and Tula - Arts & Crafts
Saturday: 2:30 y 7:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12:30 a.m. - 2:30 y 7:30 p.m.

Accessibility for this programming is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, under project H327C15009 “Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities.”