Dicapta logo with the tagline - Accessible Communication Developers.

Dicapta's President appointed for a second term with the FCC's Disability Advisory Committee

Maria Victoria has already served a term as a DAC member, during which she was part of the  Emergency Communications Subcommittee and the Video Programming Subcommittee.

Maria has more than 20 years experience in the television industry, she is an expert on captioning and video description and is an accessibility advocate. She works relentlessly in favor of giving equal access to information to people with visual and hearing disabilities in the Hispanic community. Maria holds a Master's degree in Entertainment Business, a Master's in Project Management, and a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering. She is a PhD candidate at the Universidad of Alcalá.

Members of the DAC consist of a diverse mix of organizations representing individuals with disabilities, the communications and video programming industries, the public safety industry, trade associations, academia, researchers, and other stakeholders. DAC’s third term runs from December 21, 2018, through December 21, 2020.

Issues considered by the DAC may include:

  • Telecommunications relay services
  • Closed captioning
  • Video description
  • Access to televised emergency information
  • Access to video programming apparatus
  • Access to telecommunication services and equipment
  • Access to advanced communication services and equipment
  • Hearing aid compatibility
  • Access to 911 emergency services
  • The National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program
  • The impact of IP and other network transitions on people with disabilities

Maria Victoria will continue to bring her experience, enthusiasm and dedication to her work with the DAC.


- "Appointment of Membership of third Term of the Disability Advisory Committee." Federal Communications Commission, February 7-2019, https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-19-55A1.pdf

- "Disability Advisory Committee." Federal Communications Commission, https://www.fcc.gov/document/appointment-membership-third-term-dac