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Audio Description Star of the Month: Beto y Enrique - Plaza Sésamo

(Versión original en español de este artículo)

Characters from Plaza Sésamo, Beto and Enrique, dressed as cavemen.

In this excerpt from Las grandes aventuras de Beto y Enrique by Plaza Sésamo, the two friends dream that they are cavemen and build a house for their pet dinosaur, Manchas. In the process, they solve various problems and, unknowingly, discover tools that are used today.

For this audio description, we faced several challenges, such as the available time to describe and the complexity of the actions. We also paid great attention to selecting language suitable for children and ensuring the original sounds and pauses were respected. The key to this description was the use of short sentences and the appropriate combination of dialogue with the description to explain the actions.

An interesting point to note, which is not often seen, is that in this episode, the characters themselves describe much of what is seen and what happens (almost like integrated audio description 😉), which is very helpful for adaptation work.

We invite you to watch the full episode and more content with Audio Description on the Sesame Street Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1vMhg3AawgTtDPM6RbQiZLQWrwGWGk4I

💡What is Audio Description?

It is a voice that narrates what happens in images, allowing people with visual disabilities or low vision to enjoy content on equal terms with others.

The audio description (AD) for this Sesame Street material was created by Dicapta with the support of the U.S. Department of Education under grant #H327C210001. The AD was created using Dicapta’s proprietary platform, All4Voicing.